+44 28 41340024

Oil Spill Claims
Oil Spill damage is probably the most under estimated and most devastating type of damage to your health and property.
Last year tens of Millions of Pounds were spent in the U.K on Oil Remediation programmes after Oil leaks & spills demonstrating this is a major and lasting issue.
Many home and business owners under estimate the potential damage to their health and home. Home heating Oil such as Kerosene if left untreated will damage the structure of the buildings, kill wildlife, leave a lasting toxic vapour and potentially damage your health.
As owners and occupiers of property we all have a legal obligation to prevent pollution or to clean up pollution when it occurs either on our property or migrates into neighbouring properties. Your property could be permanently devalued without a correct validation certification.
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Claims Management
Stress free management of claims
Cash Settlements
We help you get cash settlements
Personal Service
We provide a hands-on approach
Oil spill clean up service
Notwithstanding the above insurers may often suggest that the damage is not at risk of causing you or your home long term damage or will play down the issue, however it is imperative that Policyholders engage their own Public Loss Assessor as soon as possible to provide help and guidance with the claim.
Many home and business owner are contacting Premier Property Claims as a direct result of being poorly treated by insurers following oil pollution damage to their property. In many cases oil, has been left behind after it has been declared as cleaned. In other incidents customers, have had to pay substantial fees themselves towards a clean-up, even when there is fully adequate to cover all the costs involved.
One major complaint we see is extreme delays in dealing with the issues in oil pollution claims. In many scenarios, the policyholders are being left in the dark about the decisions the Loss Adjusters make about their home or property with little or no dialogue or explanation on the final outcome. Homeowners typically have little or no knowledge in this specialist field and unwittingly take insurers word faithfully.
Premier Property Claims believe that our clients deserve clear and simple advice on what exactly is happening to their property. If you have been affected by pollution and are dissatisfied with the results or how you have been treated, you are entitled to a second opinion. Contact us at any stage of the claim may it be at the start or after works have been completed, we will be there to give you our advice on the matter.
Premier Property Claims Loss Assessors will arrange a thorough investigation into the cause of any damage to including full diagnostic and laboratory testing and with our expert representation we will ensure all legitimate claims are paid. We assist all our clients by preparing a schedule of the loss, engaging specialist remediation contractors, and by negotiating settlement with insurers or their loss adjusters on your behalf.
Your insurance company is likely to appoint a Loss Adjuster or claims handler to deal with your claim but this is to protect their own interests. These representatives operate under heavy workloads and your claim may not be given the focus it deserves. Adjusters and Insurance Claims Inspectors do not prepare your claim, they adjust the claim you submit. Other expenses may be recoverable of which you are unaware.
Insurance policy wordings can be difficult for a policyholder to understand. An insurer or their representative have the advantage and will often attempt to construe the wording in their favour. Premier Property Claims understand policy wordings and have the expert knowledge and subsidence claims handling experience to redress the balance and ensure that the policyholders claim is given the fullest and fairest consideration by insurers that it deserves.
It is therefore essential that you are suitably (FCA Regulated) represented by your own professional Loss Assessor as soon as Oil damage issues become evident / discovered to ensure the claim is properly and accurately presented and you receive the maximum benefit under the policy
Northern Ireland rapid response by experts
When containing an oil spill or chemical spill, it requires a rapid response by experts. An analysis of the situation must be done immediatly and prompt action taken!
A team can be sent to help, 24 hours a day! The personnel that deal with this type of situation in Northern Ireland have all the latest spill and cleanup technology available. Through a network of rapid response units, we can ensure that help is available asap.
Spill services include:
- 24 hour response service
- Analysis & sampling of chemicals
- Environmental investigations of site
- Equipment hire
- Mobile oil/water separators
- Boom hire
- Tanker rollover product recovery
- Remediation of affected sites
- Project management
- Project reporting
- Regulatory compliance audits
- Contingency planning
Our spill response service is available anywhere in Northern Ireland. To get a FREE spill site survey contact us.